Package: gofigR 0.3.0

Maciej Pacula

gofigR: Client for ''

Integrates with your 'RMarkdown' documents to automatically publish figures to the <> service. Supports both 'knitr' and interactive execution within 'RStudio'.

Authors:Maciej Pacula [cre, aut], Flagstaff Solutions, LLC [cph]

gofigR.pdf |gofigR.html
gofigR/json (API)

# Install 'gofigR' in R:
install.packages('gofigR', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:



3.40 score 232 downloads 52 exports 67 dependencies

Last updated 5 hours agofrom:c186220cd8. Checks:1 OK, 8 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 12 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGMar 12 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGMar 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGMar 12 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGMar 12 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGMar 12 2025
R-4.4-linuxWARNINGMar 12 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGMar 12 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGMar 12 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Performs JWT authentication with username and password. Saves tokens in the GoFigr client.authenticate_jwt
Captures output of an expression and publishes it to GoFigr. This function is helpful if you have multiple function calls which incrementally build a single figure.capture
Default path for the config fileCONFIG_PATH
Creates a new analysiscreate_analysis
Creates a new API key. This function will only succeed if using password authentication.create_api_key
Creates a new figure. The created figure will be blank and won't contain any revisions.create_figure
Creates a new revisioncreate_revision
Creates a new workspacecreate_workspace
List of data types supported by GoFigrDATA_TYPES
Returns a default value if argument is null or emptydefault_if_null
Enables GoFigr support.enable
Converts a GoFigr data object into R primitives that can be converted to JSON, performing base64 encoding of binary data.encode_raw_data
Finds an analysis by name, optionally creating one if it doesn't exist.find_analysis
Finds a figure by namefind_figure
Finds a workspace by name, optionally creating it if doesn't existfind_workspace
Fetches an analysis given an API ID.get_analysis
Returns obj$api_id if argument is an object, or identity if it's a string.get_api_id
Fetches a figure given an API ID.get_figure
Gets configured GoFigr options.get_options
Fetches a revision given an API ID.get_revision
Gets the full URL for a revisionget_revision_url
Retrieves workspace details.get_workspace
Plots and publishes an object (if supported)gf_plot
Prints and publishes an object (if supported)gf_print
Configures gofigr for use on this machine. Saves configuration to ~/.gofigr.gfconfig
Equivalent to cat but only outputs if GoFigr client is verbose.gofigr_cat
Creates and configures a GoFigr client. You can login either using a username & password or an API key. See examples.gofigr_client
Wrapper for httr::DELETE that automatically handles authentication.gofigr_DELETE
Wrapper for httr::GET that automatically handles authentication.gofigr_GET
Wraps an HTTR method e.g. GET to provide relative URL resolution and authenticationgofigr_make_handler
Wrapper for httr::PATCH that automatically handles authentication.gofigr_PATCH
Wrapper for httr::POST that automatically handles authentication.gofigr_POST
Wrapper for httr::PUT that automatically handles authentication.gofigr_PUT
Returns the argument if a valid workspace is passed, or the default workspace from the GoFigr client otherwise. Throws an error if both are NULL.infer_workspace
Wraps a plotting function (e.g. heatmap.2) so that its output is intercepted by GoFigr.intercept
Returns True if the response indicates an expired JWT tokenis_expired_token
Draws a watermark with just a GoFigr linkLINK_WATERMARK
Lists analyses under a workspace.list_analyses
List all workspaces available to the user.list_workspaces
Prompts the user for an API key or creates a new onelogin_with_api_key
Prompts the user for username & password and logs into GoFigrlogin_with_username
Creates a GoFigr data object storing source codemake_code_data
Creates a GoFigr data object storing file datamake_file_data
Creates a GoFigr data object storing image datamake_image_data
Creates a GoFigr data object which can be attached to revisions.make_raw_data
Creates a GoFigr data object storing data.frame/tabular datamake_table_data
Creates a GoFigr data object to store textmake_text_data
Does not draw any watermarks.NO_WATERMARK
Default print method for a GoFigr client.print.gofigr
Default print representation of GoFigr data objects.print.gofigrdata
Draws a watermark with a GoFigr link and a QR codeQR_WATERMARK
Reads the GoFigr configuration, prioritizing environment variables over the config file:read_config
Reads a prompt from stdin and performs optional validationread_prompt
Refreshes the JWT access token. Attempts re-authentication if refresh fails.refresh_jwt
Convenience function for parsing JSON from httr responsesresponse_to_JSON
Sets GoFigr options.set_options
Stacks images horizontally, centering them vertically.stack_horizontally
Stacks images vertically, centering them horizontally.stack_vertically
Suppresses any automatic GoFigr publication hooks.suppress
Updates data associated with a figureupdate_revision_data
Fetches user details for the currently logged in user.user_info
Makes a watermark generator. You can use the result with enable(watermark=...).watermark_generator